Not So B&W: Adam

When I think about life and my own happiness, it isn’t without its struggles. It’s because I’ve been through really low points to compare with and appreciate my progress and count my blessing. It’s something I work for everyday with my occasional break downs and fuck ups. I think that's what makes being human such a beautiful thing, a sense that the same reason we’re flawed, also make us capable of achieving so much.  I think being human gets looked at too often as a negative thing. When we fail, become stressed, are under too much pressure, and or breakdown, we say something along the lines like “its okay, you’re only human” but the beauty in it, is that we hit these roadblocks from pushing our boundaries. The same boundaries we pushed that took us to the moon. The same boundaries we push as artists, tapping deep within our emotions. We take something from the earth to make pizza, beer and sushi. We build skyscrapers, vehicles, and computers. It’s the beauty in being able to get back up when you break down, failing over and over again but learning from it each time until you get it right… it’s being stubborn enough to build a clothing brand for years based on a feeling you know deep within.

NSB&W the collection is designed with those thoughts that I feel make being human beautiful. It’s autobiographical in the sense that it shares a look into who I feel I personally am, which only comes from the experiences I’ve lived throughout my life, and continues to grow with every new experience. It showcases where my design journey began, incorporates a design method I struggle with most, drawing by hand, and utilizes every other means I’m able to create with. My intention with designing from these highs and lows of my own life is to create something that resonates with your own life, even if those reasons differ from the reasons I created each piece.

Photos by Jon Pingol - Site - Instagram


Not So B&W: Alan


NSB&W: The Collection